I am the happiest person cause I have been awarded with the PASSION FOR PAINTING AWARD twice, by people who I respect very deeply as painters and art experts - Carolina Elizabeth (
http://carolinaelizabeth-art.blogspot.com/) and Stephen Dell`Aria (
http://plein-air-painter.blogspot.com/). But mostly I am happy because they are people who have been encoraging me all the time since the very start of this blog. Thank you.
Here are the rules:
- List 7 things your love.- Put a link to the one who picked you.- Choose 7 others to pass the award to.- Notify them of the award.Here are the 7 things I love:
My little daughter Maria
My husband Peter
My Siam cat Liza
Old ortodox churches
Pink Floyd
Stan Getz
Did I mention painting?
The 7 artists I have chosen:
Antti Rautiola
Trevor Lingard
Adam Cope
Sharon Wright
Rob Ijbema
Ramesh Jhawar
CarolannThey are all fantastic artists and I hope that this award will help more people meet their works.

I was awarded the lemonade award by
DeborahThis is a great honour, especially when given from a friend.
Here are the lemonade rules:
1.Put the logo on your blog or post
2.Nominate at least 10 blogs that show great Gratitude and/or Attitude.
3.Be sure to list and link your nominees within your post.
4.Let them know they have received this award by leaving a comment on their blog.
5.Nominate your favorites and link to your post.
And the awards go to:
H Charles Dilmore
Robin Mead
Beverly Ash Gilbert
Flor Larios
Mariano Zucchi